Blog | Small Biz Marketing Specialist - Part 34

Marketing In Two Minutes Or Less: The Power of Zero

When you think of the number zero, you’re probably thinking it’s not a very powerful number. Watch this video to see why zero is the most powerful number a small business owner should know

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father's day marketing ideas

Father’s Day: 8 Marketing Ideas For Small Business

Looking for ideas to boost revenues and profits this Father’s Day? Small business can get big results when they tap into the power of holiday marketing. Father’s Day falls on Sunday, June 19

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Small Business Marketing Lessons From San Diego Marina

Hi everyone! This week I’m at the Dream Business Academy putting the pieces in place to build my dream business. Hope you’re working on yours too! Shot a quick video to share a lesson that

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look at computer

Want A Website That Converts?

You spent a lot of time – and probably money – to put up a website that you want to bring in new customers and clients. In a previous article, I encouraged you to look at your website from

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Take A Look In The Mirror (Or At Least Your Computer Screen)

I bet you think your business is beautiful….on the web that is. Have you ever looked at your business in the mirror (actually on the computer screen) – FROM THE CUSTOMER’S POINT OF VIEW? You

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