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The following videos are case studies of successful YouTubers.

I've shot one video for each of these YouTubers. And if you watch all of these case studies, you'll find that no matter how different these channels are from each other, no matter how different the style or the niche is, they all have one thing in common. So I hope that you learn from these case studies, and I wish you the best of luck in your YouTube journey. I'll see you in the next video.

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Course Structure

2 Chapters

Marketing Strategies

Great Free Marketing and Marketing Strategies Resources

Great Free eBooks 6 Lessons

Simple Ways To Monitize Your Blog

Learn how to monetize your blog and reap the rewards of your skills.

Traffic Now

Getting Traffic To Your Website Fast To Generate Increased Sales Now!

Boost Your Website Traffic

Finally! Learn the Secrets for Boosting Traffic to Your Website and Increase Your Sales! Learn How To Increase Traffic To Your Website Using Free And Paid Methods!

The Social Media Traffic Plan

"Finally... How to Create a Social Traffic Plan to Generate More Targeted Traffic!" Follow This Comprehensive Guide for Using Social Media to Get Targeted Website Traffic Online digital marketing has numerous advantages for your business. Not only is it a cost-effective way to increase awareness about your brand, but the information you post on the Internet travels fast and has no geographical boundaries. If your businesses aren't already harnessing the power of social media, this is the year to take the reins.

The Marketing Handshake

When it comes to marketing online and selling products, many people are not sure how to get visitors to their website or how to market their products.

30 Amazing Advertising Tips

Tell your audience what kind of support they'll get after they buy. It could be free consulting, tech support, free servicing, etc. This may also answer some of their buying questions ahead of time. People don't want to buy products without knowing you will be there to help if they have problems.

YouTube Video Case Studies - If They Can Do It So Can You! 2 Lessons

Neil Patel - Digital Marketing and YouTube Guru

Neil Patel according to him within his first year of starting a YouTube channel, he was able to get over 100,000 subscribers and to date he has over 298,000 subscribers. What are Neil Patels' keys to success on YouTube?
4 Lessons


All About Creating More Success In Your Business!

Success In Business

All About Creating More Success In Your Business!

Internet Entrepreneurship Survival Guide

Master The Backwoods of Internet Entrepreneurship -All Distilled into a Single Most Powerful Guide

Accounting 101

Anyone who's worked in an office at some point or another has had to go to accounting. They're the people who pay and send out the bills that keep the business running. They do a lot more than that, though. Sometimes referred to as "bean counters" they also keep their eye on profits, costs and losses. Unless you're running your own business and acting as your own accountant, you'd have no way of knowing just how profitable - or not - your business is without some form of accounting.

A Comprehensive Guide to Profitable eCommerce

How does ecommerce differ from entrepreneurialism? Well, the former is dependent on the latter. What this means is that for every ecommerce business there is an entrepreneur that had to balance risk and reward and determine to move forward with a business plan, proposal and ecommerce site.
2 Lessons


Don't worry too much if you lack advanced technical computer skills. A lot of that can be remedied by just putting in a little bit of time each week in doing some self-study.

Computers & Technology

Don't worry too much if you lack advanced technical computer skills. A lot of that can be remedied by just putting in a little bit of time each week in doing some self-study. In this guide, you'll learn which computer skills are necessary to serve your sweet spot small business clients.

Web Video For Business Success

No one expects you to hire John Gielgud to be in your software commercial. That said, though, you don't want to go as cheaply as possible where actors are concerned. It just takes one halting delivery, problematic accent, or other flaw to turn your site into the laughing stock of the Internet.
2 Lessons

Inspiration & Motivation

It's time to take your life to a new level. To be motivated, to be inspired. Read on in our collection of free inspiration and motivational materials to get you moving and living like never before.

Success Visualization

Finally... Learn How to Use Creative Visualization to Achieve Success! Follow This Comprehensive Guide to Visualizing Your Way to Success!

Start Your Morning With A Smile

Sometimes we make dramatic plans that are expected to bring happiness into our lives, whether it be a vacation, graduation or wedding. But the simple pleasures in life are what we can count on to give us continuous joy. When we appreciate and enjoy the simple things, the gratitude we feel will extend to other areas as well. Here are some of the simple pleasures that are worth making an effort to experience often.
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