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Being able to process credit cards is a must in today’s world. How can you ensure you’re getting the best rates and working with the right company for your payment processing needs? “Small Business Stacey” interviews Eric Douay of Fair Merchant Solutions to get the answers. #ASmallBizLife #WhereMarketingMeetTechnology
Episode Transcript
Stacey: Welcome everybody, “Small Business Stacey” here, with another episode of Small Biz Marketing Success interviews. Today I have a very special guest, Eric Douay of Fair Merchant Solutions. And, we are going to be talking about that ugly topic that nobody really likes to talk about. But, Eric’s going to be sharing with you how to partner with your merchant solutions provider so that you can stop having that money trickle through the leaky funnel.
Stacey: So, welcome Eric. So glad to have you on the show today.
Eric: Thank you so much to have me on the show. I have to say, I’m sure maybe a lot of people in the audience said, “Oh no, I better tune off because it’s going to be another boring subject.” But, after our conversation today, all small business owners are never going to see payment processing the same way.
Stacey: Well, that’s true, right? We live in a world today where cash — you won’t even hear about that word anymore because everything is plastic-based or mobile-based because people pay for things in so many different ways. And, we’ll get into all those details. I know my audience is so excited to learn more about you. My guess is that you didn’t grow up saying, “Oh, I want to be in merchant processing.” So tell us a little bit about yourself and how you ended up where you are today.
Eric: I like that. I wonder if there are some kids who wake up in the morning and say, “When I grow up I’ll become a payment processor.” You know, I’m like the kid who fell into a magic potion 13 years ago. I didn’t know it then because obviously, I never even intended to be an entrepreneur to start with. I was in the hospitality business. I was in France as you can recognize by my accent — English being my third language — so I didn’t practice the charming accent just for the interview! And, so I was in France, and I was moved to North America, mostly Canada, to represent hoteliers. Then I started my own hotel representative company 25 years ago; and 13 years ago I lost one of my biggest hotel accounts, which represented maybe 50% of my revenue. At the same time, somebody told me, maybe you could help us develop a payment processing company. Not only did I have difficulty spelling it, I had no clue what it meant. And I said, “Look, I just lost a big hotel contract, and now you’re proposing payment processing.” I don’t want to be mean, but it was like, “I was going out with Charlize Theron or Jennifer Aniston — she just dumped me. And, now you are introducing me to your sister who has one eye and is bald. So why would I be interested in that?”
But, long story short, I realized there are a lot of people out there who are ill-treated by payment processing. I have that give-back-to- the-entrepreneur mentality. So I said, you know what, “It’s a very vanilla business, but if there is a way to make a difference — (and, we can talk about that later in the interview) — why not?” So, I accepted the challenge. It was a total opportunity 13 years ago and 13 years later, I have to say I’m excited by what sounds like a boring topic.
Stacey: So, lucky 13! Good for you. And, you know, you have the best accent on the show today. I’m a little bit jealous! But, let’s give you some challenging questions here so we can know about the real you, now that we know about the professional you. So, I want to know: trail mix or chocolate bar?
Eric: Now, it’s trail mix. It used to be chocolate bar, but no — it’s trail mix.
Stacey: That’s right, when we get a little older we have to be healthy, right? But, you can put some chocolate in your trail mix.
Eric: I have my trail mix with mixed berries, so it’s kind of fancy, a little bit.
Stacey: Good for you! So, you’re healthy. Okay, cards or board games?
Eric: Board games.
Stacey: You have a favorite one?
Eric: Well, I have one that I kind of initiate all my daughters — from small to older. It’s Monopoly, because I believe they don’t teach financial literacy and negotiating skills in school, and I find Monopoly is not about who will builds the most and who has the most money in the end, but who understands the dynamic of the game and negotiates better. So, when I play with my daughters it has to be entertaining, but it has to also be instructive.
Stacey: You get both with Monopoly, but I bet from your previous hotel experience, you were winning.
Eric: Well, I always aim for Park Avenue.
Stacey: That’s right! Alright, one final question: country boy or city boy?
Eric: I have to say I’m more of the urban type. Because I was born in a city, I grew up in cities, and I always lived in relatively big cities. But, and it’s not to please everyone — because when you try to please everyone, you please no one — I have to say every time I can, I just get out of the city just to re-energize and clean the lungs. Where I live, we have a big park, almost as big as a Central Park, and was designed by the same guy who designed Central Park in New York. So, I go out, take walks. That’s why I’m a city guy, who would like to have some countryside escapes.
Stacey: Alright, fair enough. [Sings] “I’m a little bit country. I’m a little bit rock and roll…” Alright, let’s get down to business: merchant solutions. What is going on in the world of merchant solutions today? Because it seems like it’s always the topic of newscasts. And, there’s a lot of changes going on. Fill us in on what a business owner needs to know when it comes to payment processing and merchant solutions?
Eric: Yes. First, I want to say that people shouldn’t be discouraged, intimidated, or disgusted by merchant processing. The problem is that this is an industry which is not really ethical. You know, the work ethic is not the biggest reference, unfortunately. A lot of people take advantage of a business owner because we all know business owners are passionate about their own business, whether they sell shoes, do music or travel. So, what happens is, when I come to you and I say, “Well, you know, you need to accept credit cards so the client can come in your business online or in store.” They say, “Good, good, good. Give me a good deal. Let’s sign, let’s go. (Boom, it’s finished.) I don’t have time to read the small print.” So, people really are not interested in being educated because there is no reason to be educated because it’s not their expertise.
But, on the other side, once they receive the statement or when they look at the contracts, they are like, “Oh man, I don’t understand anything. It’s like a language from another planet, and I’m intimidated. But, you know what, it’s the cost of doing business. And, so I guess you know, I make a hundred, I leave three on the table. Okay, I still keep most of them on it, so why not?” But, like in many enterprises where a lot of people merge with other people, it doesn’t give much of an alternative for choice. It’s this one or this one or this one — they’re owned by the same people. It’s a little bit like or Expedia. And, so I am here as an expert who’s going to guide them.
You know, like when you, as a small biz marketing expert, you tell them what’s the best assessment — you’re trained to help them. And if they trust you, then they’ll deal with you. Well, the same thing for me. I’m not trying to say no, we are the best — because we know we are the best anyway. But, the thing is that it’s more like: let me educate you and when you understand better, you can make an educated choice. Well, obviously we prefer you go with us, but if you go with someone else, it’s okay. At least we have the impression we did our mission; and no, we’re not a non-profit organization — it’s just that I believe, because I’m a small business owner, I believe in helping the community.
Stacey: Great. And, so then you are in the right place for my community. I mean business owners, like you said, they know they need to accept credit cards. And so, when it comes to educating themselves, what kind of questions should they be asking a merchant provider? Where do they start? How do they educate themselves?
Eric: Yes. Well that’s an excellent question. I think the first thing I would always ask some small business owners and friends is who they are using right now. What are your biggest challenges? How do they address them? Are you happy with them? So, it gives you some kind of reference, because you cannot go in the Yellow Pages and just pick a merchant processing provider. It’s important that you ask your friends. But beyond that, I think a reference is always the best because people trust people, and the trust factor is very important. And, the other thing that they should always ask, is what kind of experience they have in our industry or who are the people they’ve been serving in our industry? This is to see their expertise.
Another question to ask is if they have a one-sheet summary. Not a contract, a summary, to see the fees that should be paid and why they are dependable. Because the thing is, yes, you have to pay fees, but sometimes there are too many fees. So for instance, if you are a brick-and-mortar owner or an online marketer, it’s a different approach. So, in terms of pricing dynamics — of course we’re going to make money, but there are advantages for certain type of businesses.
So, for instance, if you go to the shoe store, and I know you’re a size 10, I give you 12 on purpose because you’ll be able to work with those shoes, no problem. You’ll pay for the shoes. They are a nice design, but you always feel they don’t really fit. So, it’s the same thing with merchant solutions: people are going to get something, but have the impression they paid too much for it. It’s important to ask your payment processor, what are you going to charge me? What are you going to charge me up front? What are you going to charge me on the back end? That does not mean because it’s on the back, we are hiding it. But I know I have that price and there are so many cards that people use. So ask, how’s it going to work? You charged me that price but can you tell me, educate me. Don’t give me a two-hour seminar, but educate me.
Okay, you are a brick-and mortar-store, you’re selling shoes. Well, normally your clients are not moving too much around so you will need a terminal POS, which is not a wireless. And because your client buys this and this, we will charge you that price, and we would do that kind of pricing because there are different kinds of pricing even for the same kinds of businesses. So, it’s very important to ask questions all the time. Payment processing, of course, is a cost at first, but payment processing can be your profit partner because if it’s well done, you can actually put money back in your pocket.
It’s just that you have to make sure that the payment processing provider is not just another provider, but really somebody cares and understands what it is to be a small business owner — someone who understands that it’s hard to make a buck every day and that you want to keep the most of it. I am understanding your business, I’m asking the questions, and I am not going to try to fit your triangle in my square — but really customize my approach. So, that’s why even if you are the merchant, of course if it’s not your expertise, ask a simple question, because simple questions are always the best: like how much is it really going to cost me? Not what you are telling me. Show me why and how.
I think it’s very important because that calls to the transparency of the provider. Sometimes they will say it’s going to be between and between and between. So if you say, “Look, we’re going to sit down, you’re doing $500,000 a year, or you do $2 million, it should cost you that.” And that’s it. The minute people are uncomfortable telling you how much it’s going to cost, that’s a red flag.
Stacey: Well Eric, that’s one way to look at it. And, a lot of business owners will look at it in this way: like what is the expense? Because even when it comes to marketing services, for example, business owners that come to me who want help with marketing, they look at it as an expense. But, there’s another side of this, which is the savings and the partner that you’re working with; and how fast you are going to get results. So when it comes to merchant processing, is there the other side of it, like how fast you get your money? Because, when I had my coffee smoothie business at Dulles airport, we were trapped in a situation where we were not getting our money until a few days later, and it really put us in a cashflow pinch. So I’m wondering, is there the other side of this, not just the expense — we all know we have to pay merchant fees, but is there the other side of getting your money faster or more efficiently? Can you talk a little bit about that?
Eric: You are my ideal type of client because you already did your homework, so that’s good! Not long ago, I’m at a client’s, and the major concern for them was not just being competitive with the rates, but that they have an operating system, an accounting system, that needs to be tied into the payment gateway. They didn’t want to duplicate. They pay people to export the data from here to here. So, they asked if our system can tie into their operating system, so when people go on the websites everything is streamlined. And, I said, “Yeah, we can do that.” And they said that would be great because right now their system doesn’t do that and they are spending 18 hours to a week because they do lots of transactions, with two people; and that is $18 an hour or $20 an hour. So that would be a lot of savings if you could just do that.
Some people say, “Well, you know what, they give me super great rates, but I get paid once a week. So, they’re making money with my money.” So I say, “Well, do you know what? No, normally it’s daily funding. So we, make sure.” Sometimes we have clients who are in what we call a high risk business. That means the client is not present during the transaction and the delivery is in the future, like a cruise line or travel agency. And, a travel agency, sometimes it’s risky because there is exposure and sometimes they don’t have the most tailored financials. We look at it because they are high risk.
We don’t do that with a brick-and-mortar. And, so sometimes we say to them, “Well, we don’t want to charge you collateral. So, what we’ll do is deliver one to two days so you’ll have your money every three days instead of one day.” So for them, they’re saving on the fact of having to negotiate the collateral with the bank, if they’re not in the best situation. But, for a brick-and-mortar company, you have a good situation, and I would say that it’s a no brainer. It’s like you make your money, why should I hold on to it? It has to be deposited every day. And, one thing I didn’t mention before, is one thing that we do — that other people do, but they don’t do it as well (and especially is they don’t offer), is the guarantee we offer. You know, you go to the doctor and you say, “Oh, I have that little tension on the side there. Could you fix it?” And, if the doctor is a good doctor, he will say, “Let me have a look at it.” And, then if it’s not a bruise, it’s inside, he’ll do X-rays and see. If it’s a bad doctor and is corrupted by big Pharma, he is just going to tell you, “You know what, I don’t know what it is; but for me, I’m the doctor. Trust me.” It’s a case of buy those pills — I have the prescription here.
Stacey: Yes, exactly.
Eric: “So, take them, and if you feel bad, just take some more,” he’ll say. So, with us, we are the X-ray equivalent of merchant assessment. Let’s put that through our account optimizer with the appropriate method to see where the tumors are, where the financial tumors are in your statements, and remove them.
So we look at them — and it’s on our time, so there’s no cost and there’s no strings attached. We look — not with those bogus telecom things, you know with all the green arrows. No, it’s really transparent. The competition, 99% of the time, will try to make it easy saying, “You have this, you have that, you have this, you have that.” But no, you have two choices: you can go back to your current doctor and say, “You’ve been poisoning me for all these years. Do you think that now, you can give me the correct recipe?” Or, you can come to our clinic, and we’ll take care of you. It’s the same thing as we show you the merchant statement. You can go back to your provider and say, “How come you’ve been all these years with me…and it’s not on the radar?” So, the same people look at it and say, “If they’ve been ripping us off all these years, well, might as well go with you.” But I make sure that we commit to what we said — so that you’ll become a client with us. We do the forecast, and we believe we can make some savings in a year. On the first anniversary, we look at it, and if we haven’t delivered on the savings that we say we would, with our payment networks, we’ll refund you the difference between the savings and this. And, the good news is that if you save more, you don’t have to give it back to us –you can keep it.
Stacey: Wow!
Eric: It’s just like you say you should put your money where your mouth is. It’s like you’ve got to talk the talk, and that’s important. The best way for us — we never do cold calls — is that we only lead by referrals. And, and we’ve been living well for 13 years. Why? Because no merchant is ashamed of referring us because it’s difficult to lie as you have to remember your lie. It’s easier to tell the truth, and to say what we do and that we do it. Yet, some people are after your money. So, I believe that it’s better to play what I call the Long Play: make little bit of money every day like a Mediterranean diet, instead of pigging out at all-you-can-eat buffet, not knowing what you’re going to eat tomorrow.
Stacey: That’s a good point. That’s a great point. And Eric, to me, you have this FMS — Fair Merchant Solutions — on your chest. You are the superhero of your industry. Business owners think of merchant solutions, and a negative connotation comes into their mind. And, that’s because they’ve been taken advantage of, they’ve been treated unethically, and nobody is being a partner to them. So when it comes to a business owner, no matter what their size, because I know you work with businesses of every size, what are the biggest mistakes that these business owners are making when choosing a payment processor?
Eric: Well, the first one is focusing on the price. Because sometimes when it’s too good to be true, well, it’s too good to be true. Newsflash to all merchants: no matter who you deal with, Visa and MasterCard control the game. So Visa and MasterCard give what we call an interchange rate, which is the net rate that we make a profit on. So, this is what we have to pay to Visa and MasterCard, and everybody has to pay the same rate. So depending on our appetite, the rate is going to be different; but we all start with the same base. So, when some people look at a rate that’s so great, they are of course, not educated. What happens is that sometimes people sell at loss and get you back with all the disguised fees. So you’re like, “Wow, I’m paying a better rate than Whole Foods, than Walmart.” So people want to focus on getting the best rate. Well, you know that you should make sure.
But, how do I do that? Go on the internet: Interchange Tables USA Visa 2019. Maybe it’s a little bit difficult, but at least you have a list of exactly what the costs are. So, if you look at the gas charging, you may say they look like they were the higher, and that’s a problem. So, be careful not to be charged too much, yet do not focus too much on the rate. The second thing is to always ask what the cancellation policy is? It’s very important that you know how many years the contract is for and how you can get out of it if you’re not happy. That’s fair. I don’t want to talk about divorce, of course, wanting to be married forever with our merchants.
Of course we want to live happily ever after, but sometimes things happen and they need to leave, and you have to be prepared for that. So, it’s important to know how many years you sign for. Ask, what your cancellation policy is? Because some people don’t know what they sign. You may be handed five pages of the contract and 52 pages of fine print of terminal conditions — and it’s important that people read them. But, nobody reads them. So, here is somebody who tells them there is something very important. I want to say first, when you enter, you know the rates. Ask, if you get out before the term, is there a penalty? If you get out after the term, is there no penalty or a smaller penalty? Is there an automatic renewal? Am I informed three months before or is it like a sneaky automatic renewal? Once I renew, is it month by month? Or, am I signing up again for another three years? These are the things that you have to anticipate because, of course, you want to make sure that you have a good relationship with your provider. But, it’s important to know because it’s like what we call a reversal guarantee: I’m still good even that I’m going to pay the difference, if we don’t do that. But, also I’m still good, because I know you are not going to want to leave, but I’m not afraid to tell you you can leave anytime. Some people say, “Don’t worry. But, when it comes to consolidation, you may be surprised with, “Well you have a one year, so you pay the equivalent of the one year of fees that we will collect.” That’s why questions are very important.
It’s not just focusing on the rate because the front trend is not everything. It’s making sure how you sign up and how you get out of it. Ask if there is customer support. Ask if you can call an 800-number, can call 24/7 and be assured there is someone to help — because you may be surprised. Sometimes it seems obvious, but sometimes you have difficulty reaching someone — you may just be locked out of your login. Simple as that, but you can’t reach anybody because it’s a Sunday at 10 pm. Because we know, unfortunately business owners sometimes work late nights. So, it’s very important to know the support.
But, I think that because it’s such a vanilla business, meaning we all sell the same ice cream…it seems like it’s all the same ice cream. So why does my ice cream taste better and why buy my ice cream? Well, the only reason is that because I tell them, “You know, my vanilla ice cream is made of that and you know what, we delivered in this particular order, and it’s going to cost you that much because we put that in the vanilla ice cream.” So it’s the trust factor. Any business owner can do Google payment processing or merchant services — look at the fake reviews. You can have a beautiful website. We have a website which is nice — we could make it nicer, and yes, a website gives you a certain legitimacy. But, what’s mostly important is the trust factor. There’s the gut of the business owner and I have to say (I don’t want to be sexist), but women have better intuition than men — and I don’t say that to please you!
Stacey: Agreed!
Eric: I had a hard experience, being instructed, in that I should have followed her advice. So, because we sell the same thing, you should ask who are you comfortable with? Because you’re going into the relationship, and although you’re not going to talk to that person every day, when you need them, you need them. It could be something bigger than “I’m locked out” — like I’m buying a new location, I’m increasing my volume, and I need someone in my corner to negotiate those rates for the increase in my volume for the new setup — and, I understand.
You need that person who really cares about you, understands you, and that you can trust as your business success ally. And, you know what? As a lot of people, I am the owner of the company, and have an army of referral partners and resource people, but I take care of a lot of my clients — clients are my career, and I’m not going anywhere. That’s why it’s the trust factor. Can you trust me? Because we are going to provide the technology, the rate, and we want to make sure it’s competitive and reliable.
See if there is hesitation and if they are willing to answer questions. Most of my clients are surprised, when I say, “I see on this transaction on your account, this is what Visa is making, this is what we’re going to make.” They think, “Oh wow, not too many private businesses tell us what their profit is.” I want you to know where the money goes, and how it goes, and what you pay — and to feel comfortable because there is nothing worse. Then, when I’m talking to a client, I hear, “I know I need the services, but I always have the bitter taste that something is wrong. I feel that I am not really respected. I’m paying to0 much or I’m just being put there. This is not really the customized solution for me.”
So, again, I think that trust is very important. Trust. I’m not selling shoes, I’m not selling bananas, I’m handling your money, and it’s a very sensitive subject. And, like I said, I don’t mind giving references. People say, “Okay, could you give me a reference?” And, it’s easy, you choose your three best clients. But, if you take a list of hundreds of clients and you pick one and you pick one and you pick one; now, it’s like a magic trick — I don’t know which card you choose. So I’ve got to be good. It’s always the same thing. If we know what we’re doing and we’re doing well, we’re not afraid of being transparent — showing how we do it, showing how we price it, showing how other customers are talking about us.
You should always be transparent. What are the clients saying about us? How do we price? How does a report look? It’s not like, “You’ll know when you sign; or if you’re not happy…in 90 days, etc.” We just want to help you. It’s not like we want your goods and we’ll have them. I’m very passionate. It’s funny because most people say, “How can you be passionate about such a boring this subject?” And, we had that conversation, you and I. You said, ” Man you…make it fun.” You know, the first time we met at a business conference in Denver like few months ago, it’s like, “Hi, it sounds like fun.” “Well,” I respond, “You’re right. It’s a boring subject.”
But, one thing I’ve noticed why I’m so passionate that won’t surprise some — talking about payment processing, is that it is best thing that could have happened to a business owner because this is a profit generation opportunity. And why? It’s because every single morning, I wake up, I jump out of bed. First, I’m grateful for still being alive. But, the second thing is, I’m like, “Wow, who can I be a hero for today?” It’s not about crunching the numbers or the statements. What excites me, is knowing there is a business owner out there that’s working hard to service clients, to provide for his family, make some money to grow the business to invest in some marketing expert advice like you give. And, to have somebody come and stealing from them? I mean, I don’t know if it’s my upbringing, but when I put Fair Merchants Solution, I had no more choice. If you go around with the name “Fair,” you better deliver, because otherwise people are going to remember. I didn’t put “sleazy” or “profitable,” I put “fair.” It’s a public commitment. And you know what? I believe that every day is such a surreal thrill. When I look at it — we’ll find the tumor, we’re going to save you, we’re going to cure it. Is he happy? We’re going to better help you financially.
So it’s really like that, I made a difference in somebody’s bottom line. And, because you know what, it’s not always about money. But, let’s be real, money is not evil, it’s how you use your money. It gives you a lot of options….Money gives you a lot of options like to go on vacation, to hire another employee, to hire a marketing consultant. And, we cover it or I find that there is a profit source that you never suspected could be a profit source. That’s great. Yes, I got to make money but you’re still going to make money, and it’s a win-win. So that’s why for me, cool. Can I be a hero for today? Who am I going to save the day for thanks to payment processing.
Stacey: Great. Eric, you are going to be a hero to all of my small biz business community. Thank you. You’ve been so gracious with your time today. Everybody knows that merchant processing is a necessary evil. We have to be able to take and process credit cards. But, just because somebody is out there on Google doesn’t mean that they are necessarily the best provider for you. Eric, as you can tell, not only makes a boring subject fun and entertaining, he knows his stuff and he views every relationship as a partnership. So even in my business, if you’re outsourcing your marketing, it doesn’t mean you get to back up the truck and dump it, you know? Eric views all of his clients as partners. And, I have a term for this called Partner Sourcing. So, I know that Eric would love the opportunity to learn more about you and your business and to help you with your merchant processing needs. Eric, how can people get in touch with you?
Eric: Well, it’s very easy and you know, if I may make one last comment. I would like people to try to remove the idea that payment processing is a necessary evil. It should be more like a payment sanctuary. You know, you need a permanent sanctuary. You don’t need a necessary evil. That’s when people say, “I’m going to be ripped off or manipulated.” Why would you need an evil, after all?
If you want to reach a payment sanctuary, you can go on or you can send an email to me directly at E, R, I, C Send me an email if you have questions. I don’t make money by answering questions, but it’s not just about making money — it’s about helping the community. Maybe in the end you will be interested in doing business with us. So if you have any questions specific to business, and even you want me to hop on the call, I will do that. If you want to send statements through the email and say, “Eric, I want you to look at them,” I’ll do that. This is my commitment to the small business marketing community, because I know Stacey looks charming and nice, but don’t mess with her. I want to stay on her good side, you know?
Stacey: That’s right. I’ll come after you. Alright, Eric, thank you so much for your time today. Please everybody reach out to Eric. He is a great guy and even if it’s not about merchant processing, he really has a lot of connections and he’s happy to connect you with outside resources, as well. We’ve run out of time today, so I’ve got to cut this short. This is Small Business Stacey, your Small Biz Marketing Specialist here to help you get your marketing into ACTION and help you become a #SmallBizMarketingWiz. Bye bye.
Stacey Riska, aka "Small Business Stacey" is a serial entrepreneur who is passionate about saving small - and not so small - businesses one marketing plan at a time. She helps business owners become a #SmallBizMarketingWiz by teaching them marketing strategies that get MORE: MORE leads, MORE customers/clients/patients, MORE sales, and MORE profit. Stacey's in-demand "Small Biz Marketing Success Coaching and Mastermind Program" is transforming the businesses - and lives - of those who want wealth, freedom, and market domination. Her highly acclaimed book "Small Business Marketing Made EZ" lays out the 6-simple-step plan to get your marketing into ACTION - literally and figuratively. Stacey is also the creator of Cups To Gallons, the place where independent coffee, smoothie, juice bar, ice cream, dessert and snack shop owners go to learn how get into lucrative catering so they stop selling by the cup and start selling by the gallon. In this program she teaches from experience, as it was the key strategy that transformed her coffee and smoothie business from being $500K in debt to a 7-figure profitable business. When not saving the small business world, she enjoys sipping red wine, eating chocolate (who doesn't!) and spending time with her amazing husband.
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